Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

Serama Facts

The Serama is a new breed of bantam, having been developed within the past 15 years. The complete ancestry of the SERAMA is uncertain. However, it is believed the Red Jungle Fowl, the Common Malaysian Village Bantam, (a hodge’...
READ MORE - Serama Facts


Serama are judged in a Tabletop-judging scheme. The birds are individually judged and evaluated while standing free on a table in front of one or more judges. This sets the Serama apart from what most chicken breeders are used to since all other...

Characteristics of Seramas

Serama, known at the smallest and lightest of the world's chickens, is divided into grades, according to their size: Grade A Serama weighs less than 350 grams should be no more than 7.5 inches in height for the full grown male and 5.5 inches for the...
READ MORE - Characteristics of Seramas

About Serama

The Malaysian Serama is the smallest and lightest bantam chicken in the world and highly prized as living works of art. The weight range for ‘champion grade’ cocks is from 8 to 12 ounces while hens range from 6 to 10 ounces. The...
READ MORE - About Serama

The Serama Chicken

The Serama (Malay Ayam Serama), also called the Malaysian Serama is a bantam breed of chicken originating in Malaysia. They are relatively new outside Malaysia, having been recently imported to North America.Characteristics They are the lightest chicken...
READ MORE - The Serama Chicken