The Malaysian Serama is the smallest and lightest bantam chicken in the world and highly prized as living works of art. The weight range for ‘champion grade’ cocks is from 8 to 12 ounces while hens range from 6 to 10 ounces. The height standing upright, measured from the ground to the top of the comb ranges from 6 inches to 10 inches, with a girth measured from the chest to the vent, 2 inches shorter than the height. The Serama originated in
The Serama makes a beautiful pet and companion, both indoors and outdoors. Their small size requires very little space and a pair or trio can comfortably be caged in a 24 inch by 18 inch enclosure. Seramas should only be let out of their cages when they are safe from predators such as dogs, cat and birds of prey. Seramas usually raise a racket when an unfamiliar animal or object is sighted and are safe on their own as long as there are people within earshot who can recognize when they are under threat. They make great companions while gardening and enjoying the mornings/evenings on the porch. Their regal appearance and natural beauty adds to the splendor of any garden or home. They are inexpensive to rear as each Serama consumes only about one pound of feed per month. As a domesticated and naturally breeding pet, the Serama is a great substitute for wild caught pets, especially wild caught birds. Promoting the Serama as a mainstream cage pet will reduce the demand for wild caught birds.
My birds are bred for TEMPERAMENT, (like a puppy, they are very, people friendly and actually crave human interaction and attention) CONFORMANCE, (think Arnold Schwarzenegger for cocks and Dolly Parton, for hens in full body building pose) and SIZE, (hens 6-12 ozs, cocks 8 – 16 ozs). COLOR comes fourth, much like color markings in dogs and the Serama are judged accordingly, based on the above criteria.
The SERAMA is not your ‘every day, common bard yard bantam’. Coming from the jungles of Malaysia where temperatures average 90-110 degrees they do get stressed when temperatures drop below 40 degrees, but, keep indoors in a well lighted area and given a source of heat (I use 75 watt bulbs in each cage), something they can move to or away from as the need arises, they will thrive. They are no more difficult to rear than any other quality bantam.
SERAMA come in all colors and do not breed true to any one color. Any two birds are capable of throwing off as many different colored chicks as there are eggs that hatch. Over 2000 different color variation have been documented in
SERAMA eat regular chicken feed, a 50/50 mixture of game bird breeder feed and chicken crumbles. A little grain (red wheat) may be feed weekly as a treat. SERAMA make great moms, laying, hatching and taking care of their own chicks.
I will share my experiences and knowledge of the Serama as my contribuition to bring people together to enjoy this magnificent pet. I will assist and contribute to the organization of Serama beauty contests as a means for the Serama community to come together physically to compete and appreciate the beauty of the Serama. I will serve the Serama community by sharing my experience to improve the beauty, health and vigor of the Serama as living works of art. With shared experiences, I hope that the Serama will be kept knowingly in conditions that will ensure that they are at their best.
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